







來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 2020-11-02 01:46 編輯: 歐風(fēng)網(wǎng)校 255

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摘要: 英法詞匯中的偽同源詞列表(QR篇)


Qualité vs Quality

Qualité is a semi-false cognate. It means both quality (e.g., of a product) and capacity or position: en sa qualité de maire - in his capacity as mayor.

Quality refers to the characteristics of things or people: the quality of life - la qualité de la vie.

Quête vs Quest

Quête is a semi-false cognate. The main sense is a collection, but it can also be used to refer to something like the quest for the holy grail or a pursuit of the absolute.

Quest can also be used for less noble pursuits: quest for a job - à la recherche d'un emploi.

Quille vs Quill

Quille refers to a skittle, one of the pins used in the British game of ninepins, as well as to the game itself. Quille also means keel, as in the keel of a boat.

Quill is the shaft of a feather tuyau de plume, a large wing or tail feather penne, and the sharp spine found on porcupines piquant.

Quitter vs Quit

Quitter is a semi-false cognate: it means both to leave and to quit (ie, leave something for good).

Quit nearly always means to leave something for good.

Raide vs Raid

Raide is the French adjective for stiff, taut, or steep.

Raid is the English noun for un raid or une incursion.

Raisin vs Raisin

Raisin is the French word for grape.

Raisin is un raisin sec.

Rampant vs Rampant

Rampant is the French adjective for creeping or crawling: Le chat rampant m'a dérangé - The creeping cat disturbed me.

Rampant means growing without limit: Rampant vegetation covers the wall - La végétation exubérante couvre le mur.

Rang vs Rang

Rang is a row, line, or rank. In Canadian French, it can be a country road.

Rang is the past participle of ring - sonner.

Rape/Raper vs Rape

Rape is a grater or grinder. Raper means to grate, rasp, or grind.

Rape is the noun viol or the verb violer.

Rater vs Rate

Rater means to misfire, miss, mess up, or fail.

Rate is the noun proportion or taux or the verb évaluer or considérer.

Récipient vs Recipient

Récipient is a container or receptacle.

Recipient refers to la personne qui re?oit, la déstinataire, or le bénéficiaire.

Refus vs Refuse

Refus means refusal or insubordination

Refuse (as a noun) refers to garbage: détritus, ordures, déchets. The verb Refuse is equivalent to refuser in French.

Regard vs Regard

Regard can mean a glance, expression (on one's face), manhole, or peephole.

Regard can mean attention, considération, respect, or estime.

Rein vs Rein

Rein is a kidney.

Rein is une rêne or une guide.

Remarquer vs Remark

Remarquer is a semi-false cognate. It can mean to notice or to remark. Une remarque is a comment or remark.

Remark is both the noun and the verb - remarque(r).

Replacer vs Replace

Replacer means to put something back in its place: to re-place it.

Replace means remplacer or remettre.

Reporter vs Report

Reporter means to postpone or to take back.

Report as a verb means rapporter, déclarer, or dénoncer. The noun refers to un rapport or une rumeur.

Représentation vs Representation

Représentation is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the English meanings of the word, it can also refer to theatrical performances.

Representation refers to a notation or a graphic, as well as representation in government.

Responsable vs Responsible

Responsable is a semi-false cognate. In addition to an adjective, Responsable is a noun meaning responsible party, official, representative, or person in charge.

Responsible is equivalent to its French cognate.

Rester vs Rest

Rester is a semi-false cognate. It usually means to stay or remain: Je suis restée à la maison - I stayed at the house. When it is used idiomatically, it is translated by rest: He refused to let the matter rest - Il refusait d'en rester là.

The verb Rest in the sense of getting some rest is translated by se reposer: Elle ne se repose jamais - She never rests.

Résumer vs Resume

Résumer means to summarize.

Resume means to begin again: reprendre, recommencer.

Revenu vs Revenue

Revenu is the equivalent of revenue or income, but it is also the past participle of revenir - to come back.

Revenue means revenu or rentes.

Revue vs Revue

Revue is a semi-false cognate. In addtion to revue, it often means a magazine as well as review or inspection.

Revue is a revue or spectacle.

Route vs Route

Route is a semi-false cognate. It can refer to a maritime or trade route or else to a road.

Route means itinéraire, voie, or parcours.

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